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Top 4 Skills to Learn

As MIS students, we have the option of exploring a wide range of careers relating to our field of study. Project manager, systems administrator, data scientist, database administrator - these are just a few of the options that may be available to us.

However, simply having a degree or internship experience may not be enough to guarantee employment. That’s why it’s important to familiarize yourself with a wealth of valuable skills that will not only improve your chances of success, but increase your employability as well.

Here’s a short list of the top skills that employers might be looking for:


Python is a general-purpose programming language that’s considered high-level - meaning it’s a language that requires a compiler or interpreter in order to translate it into machine language.

It’s fun and easy to use, and can be utilized for numerous tasks: backend web development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, desktop apps, and game development. Even sites such as Google, Reddit, and Instagram have been developed with this language.

Learning Python is guaranteed to increase your career opportunities. It’s a highly demanded skill and those typically knowledgeable in Python development fall within the 43k-135k salary range.


SQL (Structured Query Language) is a syntax used for database management. Simply put, it allows you to communicate with a given database using commands, and can make tasks such as managing, organizing, and retrieving data much easier. Standard commands include those such as “SELECTs”, “INSERTs,” or “DELETEs.” Typically you write a SQL “query,” which is then used to interact with the collected data store in tables within the database.

SQL is both a valuable and extremely desirable skill that companies are looking for. If you have interest in becoming a database administrator, you should absolutely take the time to learn SQL. If not, it’s still beneficial to brush up on its basics, since knowing various languages will open doors to many different employment opportunities.

Microsoft .NET

.NET is another important tool to learn before or after graduation. According to, it’s one of the most popular languages to learn in California. Most .NET developers remain in high demand, especially in Los Angeles, where a 2013 study found that they are the second highest in-demand tech workers at a $94,000 salary average. Like Python and SQL, having this language in your skillset will look good on your resume and appeal to potential employers.

So what is .NET? It’s a framework created by Microsoft used to develop applications and services for Windows. It’s a collection of Application Programing Interfaces (APIs) and a shared, pre-established library of code, which is useful in that programmers don’t need to write their code from scratch. Another highly recommended skill to learn.


PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is an open-source scripting language primarily used for web development. It’s considered server-side, meaning everything PHP does occurs on a server rather than a client computer.

Unlike programming languages such as Java and C++, PHP is a scripting language, so everything is interpreted and automated via scripts. It can be used for almost anything - encrypting data, generating PDF files, authenticating users for web access, you name it. Wordpress, Wikipedia, and Facebook are several large-scale websites that utilize PHP, while most smaller companies also use it for their websites or online shopping carts. Like the other languages listed above, it’s definitely worth learning.

If you have free time, definitely brush up on these tools! Learn the basics at most, and eventually move on to higher certifications if you have interest in mastering Python, SQL, .NET, or PHP.

One useful resource to get you started is ( It gives you the option of learning code via online terminals and IDEs (integrated development environments). Resources include PHP, Python, PowerShell, MySQL, and numerous others, so definitely check it out!

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